Do you sleep better in a clean house?

A room that is clean and regularly maintained by a professional cleaning service will eliminate these risks. In addition, a clean and tidy space also promotes relaxation and helps reduce stress levels, allowing for a better night's sleep.

Do you sleep better in a clean house?

A room that is clean and regularly maintained by a professional cleaning service will eliminate these risks. In addition, a clean and tidy space also promotes relaxation and helps reduce stress levels, allowing for a better night's sleep. Guides to help you find your perfect CPAP setup To help you make the most of your nights Tell us what point of the day you're sleeping and we'll find what you need. Our content undergoes rigorous expert review, evidence-based research, and regular updates to ensure its precision.

When it comes to keeping your home clean and tidy, the demands of daily life can pose a lot of challenges. Even for those who prefer their homes to be spotless, it's hard to find the time to tackle the entire to-do list. At the end of a long day, who gets excited at the thought of mopping the floor? When the beautiful weekend comes around, do you really want to dedicate it to reorganizing your closets? Sure, it's probably time to wash the sheets, but what's wrong with waiting one more night? But while delaying tasks is a very common temptation, this procrastination can have worrying consequences. According to experts, a cluttered house or bedroom can increase our anxiety and undermine our dream.

In addition, lax cleaning habits can cause health problems and allow irritants to build up in the house. We surveyed about 1,000 Americans and analyzed how their cleaning activity correlated with sleep quality and emotional well-being. Our findings show how many of us let the clutter build up and the price we could pay in terms of rest and peace of mind. A lot of research suggests that washing sheets regularly can improve our sleep (and provide many other health benefits).

Perhaps aware of this fact, respondents with sleep disorders tended to wash their bedding more often than people without them. In general, people washed their sheets every 13 days, on average. Unfortunately, this figure is well below the weekly wash recommended by experts. In addition, disordered and clean respondents reported very different patterns.

On average, disordered people washed their sheets every 18 days, or about one week longer between washes than the clean cohort. In addition to the accumulated dirt, most of the respondents had slept with some type of object in their beds. Approximately 40% had slept next to their mobile phones, which are often reservoirs of multiple varieties of germs. Unfortunately, having technological devices and other objects nearby could be undermining the quality of sleep of respondents.

Sleep scientists strongly support simplicity and order in the bedroom; with less disorganization in the immediate environment, the brain can let go more easily. The presence of screens can be especially problematic because they emit blue light that can alter your natural sleep patterns. You don't have to be a fan of order to feel uncomfortable in the face of clutter; several studies have shown that disorganized environments promote anxiety. In fact, cluttered spaces can trigger the production of cortisol, a well-known stress hormone, in the human body.

Among our respondents, the vast majority felt anxious when their house was cluttered, regardless of whether or not they had a sleep disorder. Undoubtedly, people who regularly cleaned were more likely to feel anxious about household disorders than those who had more relaxed habits. However, most disordered people admitted that they were uncomfortable when their homes were cluttered. This finding suggests that most disordered people feel some stress in relation to their disorder and suffer some degree of anxiety on an ongoing basis.

Oddly enough, people who lived with a spouse or partner were much more likely to feel anxious when their homes were crowded. Could this concern reflect the possibility of discussions related to cleaning between cohabiting couples? Whether using the KonMari method or other methods, most people expected to improve their cleaning next year. More than 6 out of 10 respondents wanted to clean more, although women were particularly likely to achieve this goal. Oddly enough, even among people who considered themselves clean, most wanted to clean even more this year. This finding speaks to the seemingly endless stream of potential cleaning activities; even when your home seems immaculate, there's always something else to disinfect.

Oddly enough, people with varied cleaning habits were even more determined to improve their skills next year than people who normally messed up. Perhaps after having experienced the feeling of having a clean home, this audience expects to maintain it more consistently. To collect the data shown in the previous study, a survey was conducted with the Amazon Mechanical Turk service. A total of 995 people were surveyed, including 454 men, 539 women and two people who chose not to identify themselves as either of them.

Four hundred ninety-four respondents identified that they had at least one self-diagnosed sleep disorder or with a medical diagnosis, and 501 identified that they did not suffer from any sleep disorder. All of the data presented above are based on self-reports; self-reported data can present problems, such as exaggeration or exaggeration. To combat these problems, respondents' attention was checked to ensure that only participants who gave their full attention were allowed to be included in the study. During the survey, respondents stated for themselves if they had a self-diagnosed sleep disorder or with a medical diagnosis; sleep disorders could range from sleepwalking and sleepwalking to conditions such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy.

Our team is dedicated to guiding you through each and every step of your CPAP process. Whether you're looking for product recommendations or need therapeutic support, our CPAP guides are here to help you succeed in the fight against sleep apnea. According to the National Sleep Foundation, tidying up the room and creating a dark and clean space allows you to sleep better. Papers and clutter can make you feel restless and affect your sleep.

In addition, people who make their bed every morning are “19 percent more likely to sleep well every night.” If you're prone to allergies, consider collecting dust from your room and dusting it. Allergens, such as dust, can affect your sleep and your comfort in the room. Sleep, a college student's best friend, is affected by the state of your bedroom, so if you're having trouble sleeping, try tidying up before bed. When you walk into a clean, organized room, you're more likely to feel a sense of calm and serenity, which can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. While sleep disorders are not usually diagnosed by people with allergies, one study found a high frequency of sleep disorders in patients with allergic rhinitis (RA) and other respiratory allergies induced by house dust mites.

One of the most effective ways to improve air quality and reduce the likelihood of respiratory problems is to regularly clean and dust the house. Putting things away after taking them out can give you a sense of completion and satisfaction as you clean up your study space. When I started writing this article, I thought I would find a lot of information about why cluttered rooms were bad and clean rooms were good. For deeper cleaning and ensuring optimal airflow, consider hiring an HVAC contractor to professionally clean your HVAC system.

Of the respondents who described themselves as usually disordered people, 61% slept an average of seven hours or more per night, a higher percentage than among people who call themselves clean people with more varied habits. I like to keep my room clean so I can have peace of mind every time I return from a long day of classes or extracurricular activities. At Good Housekeeping we are big fans of deep cleaning and not only because it does everything in your home shines.